Friday, December 29, 2006
Christmas Pictures
Here's hoping everyone has a joyous and safe New Years!
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Tis the season... to ignore your Blog
Tell Santa Want to do:
Thanks to one of my most loyal readers, I got wind of this site. Enjoy, and be careful what you tell Santa to do
Fun with Dice:
Thanks to my Dad, got this lovely little trick. Pretty cool, only not recommended as a drinking game.
Fly with one wing??? Made in the USA!!!
Kewl short on a fighter pilot who landed his plane with 1 wing!!!
Thursday, November 30, 2006
The World Famous Nation
While I was in New York on my honeymoon, I visited a very understated pizza joint called "Orignal Ray's". Now regardless if you've heard of this pizza place before, plastered on virtually ever sign was "World Famous!". After that, I notice many other "World Famous" rankings of various sorts which I've never heard of before. This brings me to my musing at hand: How does Ray know he is world famous?
Seems there's a lot of World Famous floating around, and no governing body to properly distribute these rankings. Am I supposed to assume there is a flyer posted some where on a Bangladesh bulletin board for New York Ray's Pizzeria? Joe Bangladesh walking by the flyer every morning with his Starbucks thinks "some day..."
Is it expected that people burst through the doors of said understated pizzeria taking pictures exclaiming... I made it to Rays! Didn't happen while I was ordering my slice of flat and old pepperoni. And, what exactly is Ray famous for? His oversized cockroaches actually know how to spin the pizza dough? Seems something amiss in these rakings which the Nation cries afoul.
So, this story brings me to about an hour ago, when Steve Nation when to check his site usage stat's. See that little "site meter" icon on the right side of this page, down a bit? It's a little guy that tracks who visits my site. (rest assured, your identity is safe. It only tracks general info.)The Nation figured it'd be a cool little tool. Low and behold, check out the map of computers that visited the Steve Nation over the last month.
Observe all the dots? That represents people; people who live on planet earth. What da ya know. Steve Nation is World Famous!! And that my friends, is the rest of the story :)
And to that I say Thanks! Cheers! Gracias! Salamat! (in Filipino) and for that guy way there in Canada.. dude, you gotta move.
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Back from Germany
1. The Autobahn's are a crazy place... say out of the fast lane.
2. Germans love their street entertainers. Anybody doing something on the curb had huge crowds around them.
3. Beer is the same price as soda. Now that's clever!
4. The only TV stations in English were German MTV and CNN. As such I watched more music videos than ever before. I've got some wicked Justin Timberlake moves I'm itchin' to try out.
5. Through the German "mass-marketing music engine", I did got hooked on this German band. Their hit song (which plays on the link provide) was everywhere, and sadly I fell for it. Get out of my head song!!!
Anyhow, enjoy the pics as you get wisped away to a magical place; a Germany only the Steve Nation can provide! :)
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Another Trip for Steve Nation!
Friday, November 03, 2006
Rant for the Day
I just don't get it. This guy at the gym last night had a headset on and was talking on it while he worked out. He was gabbing away for like 30 minutes in between grunts and groans. Would've loved to be on the other end of that conversation.
Of course I don't currently own a Bluetooth headset, but don't expect me to rush out anytime soon. Perhaps it's the whole cell phone reaction of years past. Like when cell phones first came out, and people are all "Who's this joker walking around in public talking on a phone... thinkin' he's all cool and popular".
Perhaps that's the feeling I'm getting right now with Bluetooth headsets, but I just don't think I'm ready for half men half cyborg yet.
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Anyhow and thusly, haven't had time to update blog last week but wanted to keep it fresh with some halloween pics, and some crazy guy riding a German Lion (from my trip to Munich). Look for another trip to Germany in a couple weeks and the stevenation heads back over the pond again for another week.
From Untitled Album |
From Untitled Album |
From Untitled Album |
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
The Wild Kingdom
Last month I went to a birthday party for a fomer co-worker. The guest house we visited was owned by a guy who is an avid Hunter. Seems he's been doing it for quite some time, and his front room was his trophy room. Words can not describe the site, but belive me it CRAZY! If you like watching "animal planet" or "rescue 911", you may want to look away now:
From Untitled Album1 |
Notice the stuffed Lion in the right corner...
From Untitled Album1 |
Secondly, If you're looking for a great radio website, I HIGHLY recommend
The lovely folks at have pain stakingly gone through thousands upon thousands of songs and categorized the style of the song. They break down every song by vocal melody, the type of rhythm used, kinds of instruments used, and ect. It's quite the scientific approach. As such, they can then categorize like songs together. SO, long and short, you like the song "Streets have no Name" by U2, type it in, create a radio station, and you'll start to hear tons more songs that have that "feel".
It's a great way to experience new music and new bands you've never heard of before. Try it out.. you may find tons more cool music to enjoy
Thursday, October 19, 2006
What happens to Old Musical Instruments
Remember your old drum set you gave me? I know you had a mild curiosity where it ended up. If I may, let me take you on a little journey.
Well, it sat in the back music storage room of my church for a while, just waiting to get some love. I never got around to using it, as the church already had two newer, shinny drum sets, which everyone was very impressed by. Your kit… we'll call him Tom…sat there in the dark, hoping someone would love it.
Then one day, two brothers at church were starting a punk band. They had everything but a drum set, and needed one. I said sure and Tom got wisped away and out of mind. Oh how excited Tom must have been! Well, I went about my daily tasks as we so often do, and totally forgot about Tom for quite some time. But then one fateful weekend a couple weeks ago I was over the two brothers house for a get together, and low and behold in the spare room, was a drum set. I walked right by it, immediately distracted by the other guitars and amplifiers in the room. Brother #1 pointed with excitement to the corner and mentioned "Remember this?"
With unemotional bemusement I gazed over and searched the recessed inventories of my mind, the way a 35 year old musician with a heavy instrumental spending habit and a steady paycheck would. So many instruments; so many have come and gone. But wait... Was that Tom? Could it be? YES it was!!! (pic attached). With dreams of recording music and hitting it bit, the two brothers have dressed Tom all up with black dye and eyeliner, and he lives to rock once again! With wonder and bewilderment, I slid behind Tom onto the throne, mumbled your name to the crowd in the room, and took a turn giving Tom just one more jam. Sure the throne was rickety, the cymbals didn't match, and the heads were a bit old, but it was Tom and he was making music!!
SO, I'm sure you'll be happy to know that Tom is still out there making music and livin' the dream. He has a nice home (big farm house on the outskirts of San Jose) with loving owners and most importantly, is getting played regularly! And my lesson learned? Hug, love and cherish all your instruments, because they have a dream too!!! Now if you excuse me, I have to go and play my very first guitar….
From Blogger |
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Cuddle up with Baby Steve
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Fantasy Football
This year my team is co-owned by me and my nephew, and sadly our team currently in the toilet at 1-5. BUT we just got our first win, and have the coolest team logo in the league!
If you've got some time to kill and into Fantasty football, jump on over. Team name is "Army of Two".
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Friendly Germans!
We'll be in Heidelberg for another day, and Friday we're headed back down to Munich. Hopefully in the evening we'll have a chance to visit the Haufbrau House. It's the center of all Octoberfest activities, so should be good times.
Here's a shot from the main town square. It's the center of downtown, and a great place to kick back and soak it all up.
Here's another angle from the main town square. If you look in the background you can see the castle ruins just peaking out behind the square's buildings. Rupunzel, let down your hair!!!
Here's a shot from the castle. If you find the Church steeple center-ish, you'll notice a open square area just to the right of that Church... That's where the above pictures were taken. They all look like ants!
This is a serving of Shnitzel. It's like huge, and serves a small infinatry unit. If you cut me, I'm sure I'll bleed pork and potato's.
My first German Bier did a pretty quick disappearing act. Nicht bad at all!
The German Bars seem to care much more about their customers. Saw this sign outside a bar, then a few mintues later actually saw this stick figure crossing the sidewalk, but perhaps that was the beer.
Cell phone companies have a bit more attitude here in Germany. :)
Peace out!
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Thursday, October 05, 2006
The Extreme Scream Haunted House
So the skinny on the new Haunted house? Pretty cool! Last time I went to Gyro's World of Terror was about 6 years ago, and it was pretty run down and cheesy. Extreme scream is in a 60,000 foot facility and is your typical walk through the maze and see what's around the next corner. Most scenes have animatronic components, and are quite detailed. It's great fun when going through with a group, as you get a change to sport your killer costume, as you experience the maze. One particular scene requires you to walk through a spinning vortex with a strobe light and moving/spinning skulls on the wall. sweeeet!
After running through the scene maze, you enter another 3D maze, which require special 3D glasses. This is done VERY well, and everything seems to be floating in cool 3D fashion. The final room is the killer... another walk through a spinning 3D vortex, that WILL challenge every ounce of balance you have. Talk about a mind trip. Yikes. WAY cool!
Anyhow, it's good times, and just trying to get the word out on it and drum up support. You can check out more info at
Steve goes to Germany!
The Beer, the Brats, the ability of people to pronounce my last name properly... it's all got the making of quite the adventure. Not sure how much culture I'll be able to soak in, but you best can guess I'll do my best.
With any luck, I'll be doing posts/pictures from the road with my Cell phone (now that should be cool) to stevenation. In the mean time, enjoy some pics of Heidelberg and Munich, my two places of destination
Monday, October 02, 2006
Apache Chief - "Enuch Chuck!!!"
I never knew if Apache Chief lived in a teepee until adulthood, or if he was just really stupid. Him English skilz were rivalling to that of Solomon Grundy, but the Super Friends kept him around in case nobody could reach something really high. He would grow by screaming, "Enuch-Chuck!" This is a phrase from his first language loosely translated as, "I hate Mondays." Incidentally, his first language is gibberish he invented while living alone in his smoke house with a broken Speak n' Spell. His name bugged me too. I don't think he was Apache or a chief. That's like taking a white guy and throwing him on a team of indians and saying, "Your name is.... Minnesota President." Excuse me, they would probably say, "Your name, like ancients before you, is symbol of great moon as flying eagle protect you. Your name be... Minnesota President." So the Super Friends' attempt at non-objectifying Native Americans as the bad guys in children's games was poorly executed. It was still more successful than anything Aqua Man tried.
SUPER RATING: 5 - Okay. So he talked like a 60 year old bareknuckle boxer after a bottle of tequila, but he did get pretty big and tough. Plus he had all those cool Indian skills like building fires, tracking, and leather vest accessorizing.
For more Super Friends reminising, check out
Friday, September 29, 2006
Hanging with the Family
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Lunch with the Bros
At Moster Sushi in Moutain View with some ex-coworkers.
If you're looking for a good sushi place, this place is awesome! Check it out. Also, the guy to the right is my blogger inspriation, and is currently running one of the most popular blog sites on the planet! Stop by and show him some love!
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Props to the Peeps
Took this picture a bit ago, but thought i'd post it and give some props to all my's peeps. Cheers! If you're looking for a photographer, the birthday dude (at the time of this pic) located dead center has mad skillz :)
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Football Fall
Monday, September 25, 2006
Cool Videos Posted
I just noticed that my "Me and Rimmy" video has been viewed over 300 times on Youtube. It's a little short I made a couple years ago about the adventures of me and Rimmy. I've got the video posted on, where people can vote for their funniest clips. If you vote for me, I could win money. I promise I'll share it with you... so check it out, and vote for "Me and Rimmy"
Also, for kicks and grins, I posted an old music video I had of my old band "Last Invitation". Check out how we used to rock :). BTW, let me know if you can figure out who the girl in the video is supposed to be (character/story-wise). Not many people were able to figure it out. Time ran short during the shoot and we couldn't complete all the footage we needed to set the story.
I was ambushed when I got home from work today!!! Never saw it coming, but I'll be ready next time.